MORISHUN DOWNLOAD by shunkanboy18


Recording and streaming the game is not alllowed, please respect my wishes.

Yes, you should read the comics. Read the FAQ for more info.



Q: Can I stream/record myself playing this?

A: Please don’t. There’s a high chance you’ll be copyright striked. I’m also uncomfortable with this game in particular being recorded due to the highly personal nature of some of the subject matter.

Please respect my wishes. It’s already complicated for me, emotionally, to have this work put out there like this. I (Meiri) have other games you can check out that you can make videos of freely.

Q: This is really bad, the plot doesn’t make any sense, and every character looks the same!

A. Yes, that’s the point, Linda.

Q: Why does this plot sound awfully familiar?

A: Morishun is a ‘parody’/fangame of the When They Cry games by Ryukishi07. I’m a huge fan of their works, and I wanted to try out Ren'py, so here I am. I have no affiliation to Ryukishi or anyone involved in these games or any other games, anime, real published quality manga, etc etc.

Q. I don’t think this game is bad at all. I like it.

A. Bless your heart, friend. I have a lot of fun making it myself.

Q: Should I take this extremely seriously as actual criticism of real visual novels?

A: no i just think they’re neat and i wanted to make one. it’s fun i recommend it

Q: The credits say that Meiri wrote-

A: no this was made by shunkanboy18 he’s a boy who’s 18.

Q: Who is shunkanboy18?

A: this FAQ is over

Q. I’m Ryukishi himself and I’m gonna sue your goddamn ass
